Mission Work

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The DGF is dedicated to providing relief and medical care to those who need it, whether in hurricane ravaged areas like New Orleans or faraway places such as Haiti or Africa.

Our first medical mission in 2004 was in Tibet. Since then we have organized and participated in medical camps in Tanzania, Brazil, New Orleans, Indonesia, India, Costa Rica, Pakistan and Figi.

These medical camps have helped thousands to get medical care they desperately need. In addition, when possible, follow-up care is arranged so that once we leave they continue to recieve help. Physicians, nurses and other healthcare workers pay for the cost of their airfare and the DGF arranges for shipment of medical supplies and equipment and organizes the event.

If you are part of a mission, we can help with supplies and equipment. You can request help by completing the Mission Form

The DGF is always in need of supplies and equipment. If you would like to donate, please email us with details and a DGF representative will call you to discuss your donation and arrange for pick-up.